I arrive at the AG-BARN for the City Chili Cookoff Competition. Here is Ms Clone at the AG-BARN
I parked behind the Channel 3 News Van..I love media events..Always an off beat chance of getting my smiling face on the Tube. However, no such luck today..
Janice (my wife) came out to greet me. She asked me if I had my rain gear. Now, why would she ask me that? She was working at the City's Chili Booth. Sure hope she didn't eat a lot of chili..It "bothers" her stomach. I wish it was her "stomach" it bothered..(grin)But, now you see, there really is a Janice..When things slow down, she will ride more often..
Inside I ran into Ector. He works for the city and on the side is a master craftsman. He made me one of my canes. He is also making me one of those Indian flutes. He makes his own and plays them. He played tonight & I really can't understand why he doesn't go professional. Oh, and did I mention he just finished a riding course & will be buying a bike soon & will be riding with us..He is a great guy & a good friend
They even had a Harley in one of the booths. With the saddle near by, it represented the Iron Horse thing.
1. http://www.nhra.com/50th/top50/E_Hill14.html
2. http://www.trnonline.com/eddiehill/biography/
3. http://www.eddiehillsfuncycles.com/
Ercie, me & Eddie at the Chili Cookoff.. Way back in 1983, I had the honor, along with another WFPD motorcycle officer, Joe Mendosa, to be at Eddie & Ercie's wedding. Back then the witnesses & official performing the wedding, had to sign the back of the marriage license. Joe & I had the honor of being witnesses & got to sign the license as such. We then escorted Eddie & Ercie around to various spots in town before heading down to the shop on Scott Street. We called it the shop but it was the Eddie Hills Fun Cycles business. My son in law, Dustin, who just became that a week ago, also worked for Eddie Hills a few short years ago. It's a small world isn't it?
This is Trey & his wife Nikki. Trey is the GM/CEO & co-owner of Eddie Hills Fun Cycles. He assisted in getting me Ms. Clone. Great guy to work with. And he has a GREAT sense of humor!!
Of course, the police were there to keep an eye on us thugs...This is Eddie & Tommy. Both are great guys & officers & are former co-workers of mine. They rejoiced when I retired & cried when my son, Matt, graduated from college & became a WFPD officer. Now they have to put up with a younger version of me for the next 20 years or so..I think they refer to him as "The Spawn of John".
When I walked out of the AG-BARN, this greeted me. Then, the ghostly familiar words floated back into my memory: Did you bring your rain gear? Now, how did Janice know I was gonna get wet. Probably just like Jim did on that run to Stephenville on 7-14-08 (see post 7-14-08). Very similar & spooky circumstances...Do they have 6th Sense, or what?
With nothing to dry Ms Clone off with, I got to look forward to the ride to the Sala Deli in wet pants...Man, I hate that!!! But all part of the joys of riding on two wheels. Take the good with the bad..Actually, I will ride in anything except freezing drizzle and on icy roads.
Here are Jeff & Debbie. Debbie's son ,Jared, and my son, Matt, were friends when the were smaller & did the sleep over thing between our two houses. Debbie told me tonight that Jared just bought a house over by Russ. How time flys!!! Seems like yesterday they were both little kids!! And Russ's baby girl, Blair, is now a model for the Texas Rangers & Dallas Stars among others..God, I am getting too old!!! But Jeff & Debbie are great people & I really enjoy their company. She, by the way, has a PINK motorcycle...Eat your hearts out ladies....(grin)
Here is Lance. He cracks up when my camera screws up. Actually I tell him my camera is screwing up but he knows the operator is at fault..
Pattie & Jim..Pattie just bought a new 09 Red Harley Ultra Classic and Jim is selling an 04 Harley Road King.. Anyone interested, contact me & I will put you in touch with him..
Here are Sissy & Steve..Steve just ordered an 09 Harley. When that comes in, I think he will be selling his Harley. I just had a major brain fart & can't remember what he's currently riding or what he's buying but I will find out & let you readers know. Again, as with Jim's bike, you can contact me and I can put you in touch with Steve. As a matter of fact, you can scroll down and see both bikes on several of the older posts, both parked and rolling..
Here is Robert & Janis. They are a riot to be around and both have stories that will keep ya laughing..Good people!! Both have big Harley's.
Here the group is deciding on departure times and routes up to the Hot Springs Arkansas Rally this weekend. Jeff & Debbie, Lance, Sissy & Steve and Jim & Pattie are going. Robert & Janis & me are staying here. I can't afford anything right now, just coming off of my daughters wedding last weekend and Robert & Janis aren't going because, as Janis put it: she's been there & done that and ain't goin' back..
Jeff & Debbie listen in on final departure plans..
Here are Pattie & Sissy "just chillin". As a matter of fact, Sissy was chillin' as she got cold & left shortly after this was taken..
Here is Jeff, Debbie, me & Pattie talking about there trip..
Same line up: Janis, Sissy, Pattie, Debbie, Jeff & Robert..We really have a good time on these Tuesday night get togethers. And the Sala Deli did not mess any orders up.. Will wonders ever cease?
Jim & Lance out by the Explorer. Can't hide from the Snapshot!!
Jeff, Debbie & me just prior to leaving for the casa's. Sissy took this picture & the other one with me in it. Thanks Sissy...Proves I was there and not out lurking in bushes...
Last shot of the evening was of Steve, waiting patiently for all the yapping to end so he could go home & get to bed. He works on his feet all day & then comes out and does the biker thing..The man is dedicated..
As stated earlier, we have a good time at these get togethers and I thoroughly enjoy them. I wish the group well, and have a safe trip and a GREAT time up in Hot Springs. Ride safe and bring back pictures & stories. I will do posts for you on the blog & for the readers.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more posts, back to January 08. Until next ride/post, ya'll be careful, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road.............................JOHN
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