
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Peggy Goes for a Ride 8-30-08

Saturday, 8-30-08, my youngest daughter, Amy got married. My sister, Peggy, who lives in Kansas City Kansas and her husband, Rick, drove down here to Texas for the wedding. While here, I gave Peggy a ride on the motorcycle. The last time she had been on a bike with me was back in 1971, when I was stationed in Michigan at Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda Michigan. I got three pictures of her that are bike related, so scroll down and check out Peggy on a bike after a 37 year hiatus and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE..

Here is Peggy and Amy on the day of the wedding. I took Peggy out to the Cowboy Church in Iowa Park Texas a couple hours before the wedding so she could yap at Amy..

Here is Peggy & me fixin' to head from the church back to the house to start getting ready for the wedding. We had run into my wife, Janice and other daughter, Amanda putting hooks with bows up at different intersections . So we stopped and Amanda took this picture..

Here is Peggy grinning as we start into the curves on Haws Road, out near the church. She made me promise to drive the bike up to Kansas City and take her cruising around KC. I will try to get up there before the year is out, but she may have to wait until next summer when I get my Harley..

This will conclude this brief post. She had a good time and the wedding went smooth. Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more posts back to January 08. Until next ride/post, ya'll be careful, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road..............................John

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