Not long after, Vicki and Rodney arrived on their Harley's with their daughter, Rianne riding with her dad. Rianne likes riding on the bike and she is a great kid. We all like her and protect her.
Here are Vicki and Rodney & Rianne heading south down Sisk Rd as we head to Lake Kickapoo.
After the brief ride to Lake Kickapoo, we arrive at the VFD. Here are our bikes out in the parking area.
Some more of the bikes that were at the VFD at Lake Kickapoo
Some more of the bikes closer to the building.
Yet some more bikes. We knew Sissy was there as that's her yellow Harley with the sheepskin seat cover..
We located Deborah, Kevin & Sissy at the Fun Run
This is Bruce & his Harley Fat Boy. I have known Bruce for 30 years & we used to work together a long, long time ago.
While I was visiting and yapping at friends, Rodney & Rianne and Vicki wait patiently in the sun for me to shut up and get on my bike so we could ride.
We left the Lake Kickapoo VFD and headed home via Archer City Tx. Here is Rodney & Rianne behind me and an unknown couple who joined up with us as we turned South on Tx Hwy 79.
Here is Vicki, leading us to Archer City and our next destination, the DQ there.
We arrive at the DQ and I get the required picture of the bikes and Rodney, Vicki & Rianne . I did not get the nickname of "Snapshot" for nothing.
Inside the Dairy Queen, I got Megan to agree to let me take her picture. Megan was the server, waitress & cashier and was smiling...I apologize to her because she did not like one of these pictures and I took another..Trouble is, my CRS kicked in and I can't remember which one I was supposed to use in this post. She has one of the North Texas Biker cards, so I am sure she will let me know by email or phone...So, here are two pictures of Megan..
Here is the second and last picture of this post. I thought both pictures were good...She was a fast and efficient employee there at the DQ and did an excellent job.
This will conclude this post. Be sure to scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more posts, back to January 08. Until the next ride/post, ya'll be careful, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road................John
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