
Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Sarah Palin HARLEY Pics 9-11-08

Today, Thursday, 9-11-08, I got some e-mails from some of my Democratic friends containing the usual diss'ing of the Republicans. This does not bother me as I fire back the usual stuff diss'ing the Democrats. But my buddy in Michigan use to be a hardcore Harley rider, is a Vietnam Vet and my friend , so we can send stuff back & forth, laugh at the stuff & continue to be friends. I long for the days when candidates ran & whoever won, so be it..Everyone remained friends and supported the winner..Remember those days? Not any more. I have seen friendships broken up and fights over this. There is a division that, in the end, if not corrected, is going to destroy us (The United States) from within, like Rome. Militarily, Rome could not be beat. Rome was destroyed by internal politics and we are heading in the same direction. ANYWAY, for all bikers everywhere, here is our advocate if she gets in the White House. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

I am told this is Sarah Palin's Harley. Like the site says, this is a GOOD thing. Check out the site: I am open to any other claims as long as you can back them up without the same old political rhetoric

Another picture of Sarah leaning on a Harley. I think she is the real thing as far as the bikes go and the most honest person I have EVER seen run for Federal office and that includes Republican or Democrat. And that is my opinion and I know what opinions are like so you can spare me that argument.

This will conclude this brief post. I usually don't mix in the political stuff because I have found you may cross a line and lose folks. But this being a Biker site & due to the large amount of email I have been receiving on the subject from bikers, I decided to do this one time. So, there ya have it. Scroll down for more runs, events & posts & non-political stuff and don't forget to click on the "older posts" links at the bottom of EACH page for more posts, back to January 08. Until next run and post, whether you be Democrat, Republican, Independent, Neutral or Undecided, be careful out there, Ride Safe and keep the rubber on the road..And to my friends and fellow riders enroute to the Hot Springs Arkansas Rally, God Speed and safe riding... cya when ya get back......JOHN

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