
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Runner's Crafted Bikes ~ Wooden Balance Bike!

I have witnessed some children as old as seven still struggling to remove the training wheels and have the confidence to ride a two-wheeler. Both of my older children learned to ride with training wheels and it is a very scary for a child when those training wheels are removed. Up until now it has been a right of passage for children throughout the generations.

There is a new way of thinking when it comes to teaching your child to ride a two wheeler, and that is a balance bike.

We lucked out to receive a Wooden Bike from Runner's Crafted Bikes for Jillian. She rode a tricycle last summer and this spring, but since our new Runner's Bike arrived she has moved on and is enjoying her big girl bike.

The Runner's Wooden Bike is without training wheels or pedals. Your child uses their legs to propel the bike and keep their balance while on the bike. Children have instant success on the Runner's Bike, without the falls, scraps and frustration that can come with learning to ride a conventional bike. Your child's graduation to a pedal bike is extremely easy after the skills they learn while using the Runner's Bike.

Assembly of the bike was a breeze. The bike arrived partially assembled and with the provided tool we were able to get the bike in riding order within about ten minutes. Included in the box were detailed, easy to follow instructions. The bike is very light-weight, at about ten pounds, even Jillian is able to carry it, if she needs to. (after all, we have all pushed or carried our kids bike's home after they get tired, so this is a great feature!) Runner's Bike targeted audience is children ages two through five. The seat is adjustable at 13.5 to 16.5 inches high and you can get an seat extension if needed.

Runner's Bikes are constructed of solid birchwood. High quality pneumatic rubber wheels provide a smooth and easy ride. For comfort, little bottoms are seated on a padded synthetic leather saddle.

Jillian is so excited to ride and show her friends her Princess Bike. Once it was assembled she jumped on, we had explained there wasn't any pedals for her to worry about and she could just get the bike going by pushing it with her feet. After a couple of wobbles she was on her way and just watching I could see her confidence start to build and soar. In the last two weeks I have watched her make huge strides with her Runner's Bike, she is almost to the point where she will be able to lift her feet and start to glide. I will just let it happen naturally on her time.

With Runner's Bike the transition to a traditional two-wheeler will be simple. Jillian will have conquered the balance issues and will be able to jump on and be able to ride without ever having to use training wheels.

Some of my favourite features of the bike is that it is eco-friendly and safe for my daughter. I know this bike is built to last, seeing it is made of wood, it will outlast all of us. This is a sturdy ride, Runner's Bike has made sure the the frame of the bike is safely constructed to prevent little fingers from being caught. A common mishap on bikes is that the front wheel can make sharp turns, Runner's Bike has ensured that will not happen on their balance bikes.

Runner's Crafted Bikes are a family-run Canadian company. These are a refreshing alternative to plastic toys and I can see these are well researched and built to last. I am a definite believer and will be recommending the Runner's Bike to any parents of young children. There is no reason to put your child on an unstable bike with training wheels. Start with a balance bike and eliminate that learning curve.

I am thrilled with our experience with our balance bike and look forward to continue watching our girl taking longer and longer cruises. It has become a hit on our street and community and many neighbours have commented on her new bike.

You too can get a Wooden Balance Bike! They can be purchased on line for $138.00, which includes the shipping! A Princess Bike isn't what you are in the market for? No problem. Other options available are: The Original Bike, Jr. Version, and the very cool Runner's Bike with Trailer.

Connect with Runner's Crafted Bikes on facebook and twitter.

Disclaimer: I was sent a bike for our review. Opinions expressed are mine, yours may differ. Use your judgment when making a purchase.

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