
Friday, May 2, 2008

Tucson Az Run 4-15/16-08 Day 4 & 5

This is Bill, me & Dale still at the Pub. Bill's Triumph can be seen between and behind me & Bill.(Black & Red). Dale is a former Marine and Vietnam Vet. He was on patrol and in the rice paddies when he stepped on a land mine. He woke up on a hospital ship a week or so later. The blast blew outward and not up, so his injuries were internal. Has all his parts..A great guy & one I am proud to call friend. REMEMBER: if you want to see it bigger, click on the picture.

Dale taking a smoke break out on the side walk..You cannot smoke inside any public building in Tucson..

This is Paul & Becky.They joined up with us on the way to the Pub. He used to be a movie producer. They do a lot of riding now.. Becky has a Harley of her own she rides.

Paul & Becky having a good time.

Paul & Becky's Road Star.

On Wednesday 4-16-08, Bill & I rode to the Lariat, another popular bike stop. Not much was going on at 1100 hrs. Bill at the Lariat.

Me at the Lariat..That is Bill's Sportster I am leaning on. He has redone the Sportster with all kinds of racing gears, cams, jugs etc. It runs like a scalded ape...

We had to stop at Wal-Mart for something & this is the view from the parking lot. Sure beats the view from the Wally World back home in Texas.

Another Wally World view. Gotta love those mountains!

We left Wal-Mart & heading out to the Pima County Sheriffs Department to see if I could get a PCSD hat for my son Matt who is a police officer back home. Here is Bill going through the Saguaro National Park.

Another one of Bill going through the Saguaro National Park. I apologize form the bugs on the windshield. Bill had told me prior to leaving Texas that I would not have to worry because there would be no bugs out in the desert. Apparently not all the bugs got the word...

The Pima County Sheriff's Department, Tucson Mountain District..For scenery this is the place to be..If I could do it all over again, I would've come here.

Me on the porch...

Bill on the porch.

Me & Sgt. Judy. She is quite a character and was fun to meet. She got Matt a Border Patrol cap that he wears all the time & I am sure a lot the cooks in the Mexican restaurant joints here freak out when he walks in wearing that cap!!! Double check your food before eating it Matt!!! (grin)

Sgt. Judy & her car.. Thanks for the cap Judy, it was great meeting you & be safe out there.

A car in the PCSD parking lot..Got a charge out of that tag.

We spent the night of the 16th at the Cowpony, another biker stop. A shot of the sign.

Bill inside the Cowpony.

Bill getting ready to shoot some pool with another former Marine. He got to talking to Dale & they both were in the 3rd Division, Recon...40 years apart but Marine Bro's forever...Bill beat the Marine..One for the Air Force Vets!!!

Bill & I inside Cowponys...

Dale & Bill in Cowpony's..

Dale, Bill & I out front of the Cowpony.

Dale, Bill & I in front of Cowpony's.

Dale shooting pool against the Marine...Dale won & almost ran the table on the guy. Another win for us old fart Vets!!!

Dale & Bill inside Cowpony's.

Dale taking a smoke break out on his Harley.

A view out the front door of Cowpony's.

Me lounging around on Dale's bike...With Dale's permission of course..

Me at the Cowpony.
That's it for this part of the Tucson Blog...Stay tuned for the next Part....JOHN

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