
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tucson Arizona Run 4-26/27-08 Day 16/17 Pt IV

When we left the Ski Lodge & restaurant at Mt. Lemmon, we took a ride to an area near Summerville that Bill had seen some bears. Here is Bill leading the way in. REMEMBER: if ya want to see it bigger, click the pic.

Here is Dale heading to the bear area..

After seeing no bears, we heading back down the mountain. Here is a view off to the right I took on the way down.

Here is Dale on the way down. Bill took off on his Triumph and beat us to the bottom by 2 min 30 sec

Bill & Dale heading down Mt. Lemmon

Bill & Dale way out front heading down

Dale on the way down

Dale & Bill on the way down Mt. Lemmon

At the bottom, we headed home. This was the last shot I got in Arizona. Dale heading to his house.

On Sunday, the 27th, I left Arizona at 4 a.m. (AZ time) 6 a.m. Texas time, and headed home. I stopped at a rest area near El Paso to rest the butt.

The final shot of the trip. Miss Clone at the rest area outside of El Paso.. I did not go non-stop home as the wind was blowing about 30 mph from the east all the way, so I stopped and spent the night in Abilene Texas. Got up at 8 a.m. on the 28th and rolled into the house at about 10:30 a.m. I had a great time in Arizona & it was great to see Bill, Jackie & the kids. I have a new friend, Dale who is a righteous guy. Dale was a Marine in Viet Nam and he stepped on a landmine..Long story short, when he stepped off the landmine the force blew out not up, thus saving his life..All his injuries were internal & he has all his limbs. Dale says that he closed his eyes, stepped off the mine & woke up on a hospital ship a week or so later....Janice has agreed to let this be an annual m/c trip for me, so you know I am counting the days & can't wait for next year...Maybe Russ will get to go.......Enjoy the blog and keep the wind in your face & the rubber on the road........JOHN

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