
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Blue Knights Texas Chapter XX Spring Ride 3-15-08

On Saturday, 3-15-08, The Blue Knights Texas Chapter XX, had its first run of 2008. Russ, the Road Captain for this event, titled the ride, "The Chaps My Ass Ride". The title will be apparent later in this post. For all you looking at this blog, the title is not to offend, but to explain. Be patient & the meaning will be clear. We met at 0800 hrs with KSU @ 0900 hrs. As it turned out, this run was in confliction with other rides & only a few showed up. Well, actually 3 @ the meeting spot & we picked up 5 others about 1 mile down the road. This is a LONG post,so, if you want to see the pictures bigger, click on the pic. Also, all pictures seen are a combination of the pics that Russ & I both took. The above pic is Russ & me (John) at the Association building at the appointed hour.
This is Russ & Linda at the appointed hour. So, Russ, Linda & I made up the original three. Janice couldn't make this run because she had to work. We met Pattie, Kim, Dave,Melinda & Laura a short time later at Atwoods. We then set off for a fun filled ride to Oklahoma. The only places we did not get pictures at were at the Harley Shop in Lawton (Stop # 1) & the gas stop in Chattanooga, Okla (heading home). Pattie is the wife of our club President, Jim. Jim caught up with us later on when we were at the Holy City. We found out we played tag with him trying to find us most of the day.

The second stop was at Meer's, a fabled restaurant in the Wichita Mountains that specialize in big burgers made with Longhorn Beef & they make a great Coconut Cream Pie..Here are Russ, Linda, Pattie & me at one of the tables.

Getting ready to leave Meer's & head to Mt. Scott. Left to right: Laura, Pattie, Kim, Melinda & Dave. They are all officers out at Sheppard AFB. A great bunch of folks.

Another pic of Laura, Pattie, Kim, Melinda & Dave in the parking lot of Meer's in the Wichita Mts.

Check Check one two...Linda giving Melinda some gloves to wear while Russ gets his comm system hooked up..Melinda was the only who wanted to take the ride of a lifetime, up Mt. Scott on a motorcycle. Kim & Laura opted for the creature comforts of the car ie: heat & 4 wheels. Dave was riding one of Pattie & Jim's bikes. Since I am old & my CRS is acting up, I am not sure but I think it was a Suzuki Boulevard..Russ, Pattie & Jim were on Harley's. I was on my clone Vulcan...

Melinda's reaction to being told once she gets on the Harley with Russ, we were going to the tattoo shop to get her a tattoo before going to Mt. Scott.

Saddled up ready to go. Left to right: Me, Russ & Melinda, & Pattie...

Fixin' to pull out of Meer's..Linda had graciously given up her seat to Melinda for the ride up the mountain. We know how miserable Linda must of been being inside the car with no wind & being all warm & toasty....Left to Right: Dave, me, Russ & Melinda and Pattie.

We are leaving now...I promise...Left to right: Dave, me. Russ & Melinda and Pattie.

They made it & no tattoo's! How did we forget that? Melinda & Russ are all grins at the top of Mt. Scott.

Me & Pattie atop Mt. Scott

Linda, Kim, Dave, Laura & Pattie on Mt. Scott..That is Pattie's Harley that she is on...

Another one of me & Pattie..

The bike's up on Mt. Scott Left to Right: Dave's Boulevard, Pattie's Harley, my Vulcan & Russ's Harley.

More bikes arrive. These guys were at the Harley shop when we stopped there earlier. Their group consisted of mainly Harley's but also had a Gold Wing & Road Star (?) amongst them

On the observation deck at Mt. Scott, 5 serving members of our Armed Forces and we're proud of all of them. Thank you all for all that you do & the sacrifices you make for all of us & our country!!! Left to right: Melinda, Pattie, Kim, Laura & Dave.

All of the Chap My Ass Group: Back row: Linda, Russ, Me & Dave. Front row: Melinda, Pattie, Laura & Kim. Poor Kim was about to freeze to death up there. Kim & Laura are TDY here from Florida, Melinda is TDY here from Virginia (same base as my Niece Steffanie, also a Captain). I am not sure about Dave. He is fun to be around so we will claim him to be from hereabouts...Actually, we claim them all....3/16/08..Just heard from Pattie & Dave is also from Florida. Dave also sold his car for a customized Harley, which he rides in Florida. See, I told you he was fun to be around..Harley folks usually are.

Melinda & Laura on the rocks..

Kim on the rocks

As Russ put it, Laura is on top of the world!!!

Melinda & Russ climbing down the rocks to take a view from the edge...We call this "mountain goating"

From Left to right: Laura (in pink), Dave, Melinda, Pattie & Russ. Kim was in her car warming up. Linda & I were up by the observation deck looking down at Russ & company...

Ladies & Gentlemen...We have contact!!!!! Reception in the mountains for the cell phones is hard to come by. So you get it by going way up..Here Pattie takes in some rays while talking to Jim...All that she was lacking was the lemonade

Here are Linda, Dave & Russ getting ready to head down the mountain as we head for Chaps My Ass.

Here we are at Chaps My Ass, Motorcycle Accessories & Apparel Shop, Medicine Park Oklahoma.

The bikes at CMA shop

The roof sign at CMA

Here are Pattie & Linda inside CMA. Pattie is spending some of Jim's hard earned money. (NOT!!!) She is debating on getting that leather jacket she's holding.

Pattie's final decision... Like her new leather?

Pattie styling her new leather

Pattie & Linda being tough...or as Russ says, hot stuff.....

Another view of the chapped ladies, Pattie & Linda, at Chaps My Ass.

Pattie & I sittin' outside the candy factory, next to CMA.

Russ & Linda fixin' to pray for Pattie, before Jim catches up with us & slaughters her in her newly bought leather. Gotta love it!!

Russ & Linda by the fabled sign

Russ & I by the fabled sign

Yet another one of Russ & I.

Heading for the parking lot to leave.And Melinda would not share her ice cream with us!!!! How cruel, yet, so smart of her....

The crew by the sign, because who'da thunk it, naming a store Chaps My Ass? Left to right: Laura, Melinda, Kim, Pattie & Dave

Jim catches up with us at the Holy City, Wichita Mts

Russ & Linda at the Holy City..

Linda by the bikes & Kim & Melinda in the car at the Holy City.

Me, Russ & Jim at the Holy City

Jim & Pattie, together at last. Note: he did not slaughter her for buying the leather, so.......Janice can I get a new one?..... and live to wear it?

Another pic of Jim & Pattie...He did not get to eat at Meer's with us but she did get him a piece of coconut cream pie to go...Probably saved her life!!!!

The Blue Knights, Texas Chapter XX members on the first run of Spring: me, Russ & Linda, Jim & Pattie. 3/15/08

Blue Knights on the run: me, Russ & Linda, Jim & Pattie

Dave, Southbound & flying low. Somewhere in Oklahoma on Hwy 5, heading home.
We left at 0800 hrs & I walked in my front door at 1810 hrs. Russ, Linda, Jim & Pattie continued on to dinner and they finally got home around 2100 hrs. We had a great time & great ride. I look forward to the next, until the next post/ careful out there.............................John

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