
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Biker Sunday 3/30/08 3rd Annual Compassion Run Pt. 6B

The 3rd Annual Compassion Run concluded with Biker Sunday 3/30/08 at Evangel Temple Assembly of God. This is the third year in a row that Evangel Temple has sponsored the Compassion Run. This is the sign out front of the church letting all know what time to be there. Remember, if you want to see the pics bigger, double click on the pic....
Prior to the service, Charles had everyone that could, meet at Union Square Federal Credit Union with kick stands up at 0930 hrs for the run to the church..Here are some of the bikers arriving at Union Square.

This is the bike Charles was leading the biker flock in on. It was on loan to him for this ride from Four Stars M/C (Auto) Ranch in Henrietta.. Four Stars had been the 1st stop on the Saturday Compassion Run. Pictured are Charles on the bike & Ronnie. Behind them are some of the other riders.

The "Bike". One sleek machine...Looked good & sounded great!!!

Me & Charles at Union Square. I did not get to ride to the church with the group as Charles asked me to go on ahead & get some pics of them coming into the church. No problem on my part..It was a fantastic experience watching them all come in....

Mike & friends at Union Square with other bikers milling about waiting for 0930 to roll around...

Ted on his Harley at Union Square.

The bikes make the corner at Barnett, with Charles bringin' em in...

Great looking group eh? Just about to the entrance to the church....

More of the group..Trust me, it was a LONG and IMPRESSIVE bunch of riders.

More of the group..Wonder how much that gas sign will say in 3 years for the 6th Annual Compassion Ride?

Russ made it & is fixin' to make the left into the church parking lot...

More of the riders coming in...I think Mike, on the last bike (white) was tail gunner....

Yet more of the riders make their way down Barnett Rd to Evangel Temple.

Some of the bikes making the final turn into the parking area..

Ronnie making it in...He was just about to Stop 3 at Red River Harley Davidson on Saturday's run, when his trike threw its chain..But a little set back like that would not stop this servant of God from the run or service today!!

Mike & company in the parking lot on his Harley..This guy cooked that great brisket they fed to us Saturday!!!

Charles hopping the curb to get set up by the front doors of the church. When the service started, he had Patty, the Pastor's wife, on the back & he rode the bike down the main aisle of the church & parked it in front of the pulpit..

Riders walking toward the doors.

Bikers outside the church doors by the bike, waiting for the ok to enter...

Once inside the church, this is the sanctuary, on the right side..Had two bikes to the right of the pulpit. And check out the screens!!! Impressive to say the least...

On the left side of the pulpit were three bikes with the other screen, identical to the right side screen...

Charles & Patty make the entrance...Services start....1000 hrs, sharp!!!

These are representatives from the different clubs that participated in the 3rd Annual Compassion Run. They are presenting the check to the Hospice Rep for the amount of $13,737.00. The goal this year was $10,000. Mike is holding the left side of the check, Jeff is holding the right side, Charles is in the middle to the left of the Hospice Rep, who has her hands raised in praise to God..Russ is on the far left...
That's it for the 3rd Annual Compassion Run and the 6th & final part (B) of this blog. Those that missed it this year, missed out on a great time, for a great cause, with great folks, at a great church..But hey!!! If the Lord tarries, there is next year...Plan on joining us. I would not miss it for anything!!! Thanks to all I bothered to let me take pics. But without you, there would not be this blog to help document & spread the word about the Compassion Run. So, until next run/blog, ya'll ride safe..................John

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