
Sunday, March 30, 2008

3rd Annual Compassion Run 3/29/08 Pt. 5

Part 5 starts off with the continuation of the Slow Ride competition. Here are Pattie & Robbie waiting to do it again. It was the double elimination round... Remember, if you want to see the pictures bigger, click on the pic...

A Boozefighter & Ron at the starting line..Ron was in the Blue Knight Team with Russ, Jim & James

Jim, with his arms crossed & a Boozefighter wait their turn..

Niki, 2nd from left & Flip, end right, watch & wait with team members. I believe they were on the Christian Motorcycle Association Team..

Russ doing his thing on the Slow Race...The boy done good!!!

Russ did so good he made it to the finals..Way to go!!!

However, Charles & his crew took 1st place..Outstanding job guys!!

The Blue Knights Texas XX took 2nd place.. We'll get ya next year Charles!!!

Charles's Harley...Good looking ride.....

Pattie wins a prize at the drawings..Think it was a meal...

This is the owner of Motorcycle Leathers & More, out of Chattanooga, Oklahoma. He donated leathers for auction & a leather bag of money (unknown amount at the time of auction) to be auctioned off. He also said if anyone was in his area & needed something, to call him day or night.. His number is on the truck logo in Pt. 2. He said he has been called at 1 a.m. before & didn't mind..

Here is some BBQ's brisket being auctioned off. You can tell Sissy, Charles & Mike had a ball doing this..It was quite humorous!!

Jim, Patties hubby, even won something..Maybe an oil change?

The guy between Sissy & Charles won a paint job for his bike..The owner of the paint shop is to Charles's left. Instead of his bike being painted, he confirmed before bidding, that they could paint his m/c trailer instead. They agreed, he bid & won!!

More brisket being auctioned..I wish I had taken more money cause that brisket was good & there was more than enough to snack on for a week or so!!! Mike taking the brisket out to the lucky winner..

A winner of a gift certificate for an oil change down in Henrietta Texas...

The lucky biker that won one of the leather vest drawings...

Another Luby's Cafeteria Certificate winner..Also, note the Motorcycle Leathers & More owner standing by the table..That black leather bag he's holding was the one with the money in it he gave to be auctioned.

Charles with the Hospice rep...She said a few words of appreciation to the crowd & with that, the Saturday festivities concluded...A great time was had by everyone....

Pics of some of the bikes prior to leaving..Really liked that Texas flag paint scheme..

As I took the bike pic, Mike walked up & stood by his bike..Being fairly new to the local biker scene, I did not know it was his bike as I usually see him in his truck at the PGR Missions because he has the flags...Great bike Mike!!

The crowd getting geared up to leave...Many returned Sunday for Biker Sunday which concluded the Compassion Run Weekend...

Another pic from Bill capturing some happy riders, young & older, prior to departing..

Finally, Russ took this pic of me & my clone prior to riding off to the casa..I had a ball & looked forward to Sunday for Biker Sunday..Oh yeah, for the record, I have had Harley's on & off over the years..(1970's-1990's) My heart is Harley but my current financial situation is clone...I hope to remedy that & upgrade in the next couple years...But I am still having fun, none the less....
This shall conclude Pt. 5.....Ride safe.........John

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