
Friday, January 29, 2010

American On Purpose : The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot - Craig Ferguson

Summary: In America on Purpose, Craig Ferguson delivers a moving and achingly funny memoir of living the American dream as he journeys from the mean streets of Glasgow, Scotland, to the comedic promised land of Hollywood. Along the way he stumbles through several attempts to make his mark--as a punk rock musician, a construction worker, a bouncer, and, tragically, a modern dancer.

To numb the pain of failure, Ferguson found comfort in drugs and alcohol, addictions that eventually led to an aborted suicide attempt. (He forgot to do it when someone offered him a glass of sherry.) But his story has a happy ending: in 1993 the washed-up Ferguson washed up in the United States. Finally sober, he landed a breakthrough part on the hit sitcom The Drew Carey Show, a success that eventually led to his role as the host of CBS's The Late Late Show. By far Ferguson's greatest triumph was his decision to become a U.S. citizen, a milestone he achieved in early 2008, just before his command performance of the president at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner. In American on Purpose, Craig Ferguson talks a red, white, and blue streak about everything our Founding Fathers feared. (Summary and Image from and

My Review: I received this book from my mother-in-law at Christmas. I thought it odd that she picked this up for me. As far as I know the only person to know about my obsession with Craig Ferguson But, I played it down to my husband. "I don't know why she thought I would like that. Maybe she knows I have a thing for sexy Scotsmen with heavy accents?". Secretly I could not wait to dive in.

For those of you that don't know who Craig Ferguson is--google him. To make a long story short, he is the host of The Late Late Show, and a particularly naughty character if I may.

Through his book he takes us from his childhood home of Glasgow, to the gritty streets of New York City, the street fairs of Edinburgh, the aspiring artists nooks of London, and back again. He takes us through so many painful times, through love and loss, as he tries and tries and tries to break through the barrier and become the person he wants to be.

Heroine, cocaine, alcohol addiction, stand up comedy, construction work, and the creation of Bing Hitler. Through three marriages, and what seems like a lifetime of doubt, Ferguson takes you into his life and his mind with his "Improbable Adventures". By the last chapters you will be clapping and cheering for this underdog who, against all odds, made it to where he wants to be.

I look forward to reading his novel soon. I love his irreverence and shameless comedy-- and his super hot red white and blue kilt.

My Rating: 5 stars. For those sensitive to profanity-- He is from Scotland. It is there in force.

Sum it up: A uplifting read.

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