
Friday, November 27, 2009

Sleepy Head

Sleep is so important in human's life. Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep.

Sleep scientists are increasingly discovering more about this mysterious state. There are two very distinct kinds of sleep: REM (rapid eye movement sleep when we dream) and non-REM sleep, also called slow wave sleep (SWS). During REM sleep there is a paralysis of the anti-gravity muscles and the brain's neocortex and emotional centres become highly aroused.

The waking life of animal organisms is a dynamic, destructive time because the organisms' complex proteins are torn down and exhausted as they are used for activities including locating and ingesting preformed organic molecules to meet the immediate energy needs of the wakened state and to provide the building block proteins which fuel the repair and growth dynamics that occur during sleep.

Sleep has the effects for your mind and body. Your Brain Needs Sleep, so you can:

* Remember what you learn
* Pay attention and concentrate
* Solve problems and think of new ideas

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