
Saturday, August 9, 2008


If you are looking for a good place to ride with your club, chapter or just friends, try taking a run to Throckmorton, Texas and stop in at the Country Cafe for breakfast. The Country Cafe is noted for its "Saddle Blanket" pancake. This thing has a diameter of at least 17"-18" and hangs over the large plate its served on by three inches at least!! The Country cafe is family owned and they are friendly and fast at getting your order taken and served. And the food is GREAT!! We got there at about 0900 hrs and there were about 30 of us on 23 motorcycles. They made us feel very welcome and it is a place we will return to again. Scroll down and meet the folks at the Country Cafe, Throckmorton, Texas. I'll give you the specifics at the end of the post. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER. SIMPLY CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

This is the Country Cafe..That big oil derrick looking thing with the star on top is what you look for when in the vicinity. It is the sign & it says "Country Cafe" on it..

This is one of the many humorous signs they have inside. You have to click on the picture to read it..

This is Virgil (in the back), Gene & Mary..All part of the family.

This is Sarah & Pat who were doing the cooking today. They did an awesome job!!

Gene out on the porch with us, prior to our departure..

This is Edie, Gene & Mary. Edie & Mary were the waitresses and we ran their butts off. They did an excellent job. Very fast & efficient..

Coming down the side street from the main drag, this is the view you look for. Just turn at the giant deer skull & rack (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it) and the City Cafe is down on the next corner on your left.

That will conclude this post. We highly recommend the Country Cafe as a stopping point on your ride or trip. The Country Cafe is located at 113 E. Washington, Throckmorton Texas 76483. The phone number is: 940-849-3044. For more info see: Stop in, say hi and enjoy a great breakfast, in a friendly atmosphere & at a very reasonable price. You'll be glad you did..

Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and remember to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more posts, back to Jan. 08....Until next ride/post, ya'll be careful, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road.......JOHN

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