
Friday, August 15, 2008

Blue Knight Tx XX "Beat The Heat" Ride 8-9-08 Steve G's Pics

On Saturday, 8-9-08, the Blue Knights Tx XX had its "Beat The Heat" ride to Throckmorton, Texas. Steve G sent me his pics of the ride and has given me permission to use them in this post. Scroll down to see Steve's pictures of the ride and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.

Our staging point for the ride was the Wal-Mart on Southwest Parkway in Wichita Falls, Texas. Here are Steve C (back to camera), me (taking off helmet) and Mike talking.

This is Paul, Russ, Lance and Mitchell. Russ was the Road Captain for today's ride.

This is Greg & Chris by their Harley and Paul.

This is Becky (on bike), David, Me, Cathy, Mark (back to camera) and Steve C & Mike in the background.

Sissy talking to Linda and Janis talking to Lance, as we wait for the 0730 hr ksu time. ksu, for all you who are wondering, stands for "kick stands up" or departure time.

The bikes in the Wal-Mart parking lot

David & Mike talking in the parking lot.

This is Lance's Harley. Lance has two Harley's and both of them are almost entirely black.

The group of bikes grow as departure time nears..

Bobby arrives as Mike, Steve C, David & Mitchell look on..

This is Sissy's Harley with Sissy (back to camera), Russ next to her, Vicki, Rodney, Robbie, Steve D, Me and Janis

Mitchell (well, 1/2 of Mitchell), Steve C, Bobby and Mike at Wal-Mart waiting for ksu

We start out Southbound on Tx 79. That's Sissy, me and Russ is lead bike

An interesting picture of Steve G. He was using a new camera that his wife bought and there was a program that came with it that they could enhance colors and leave other stuff black/white. More on that at the end of the post. I think this is called NegArt.

The group Southbound down Tx 79

Getting close to Throckmorton, Texas. Throckmorton was about a 74 mile ride South from Wichita Falls.

A last view of the group Southbound on Tx 79..

When we got to Throckmorton, the Country Cafe was not were it was supposed to have been, according to a map on a web site. So, we all made a u-turn and pulled over while Russ & Linda went to find out where it was..

A view from a few bikes bike. Russ & Linda had gone into the Fina station for information..That's Robert & Janis and Sissy up front on the yellow Harley

A view back: that is Steve D on the bike and I think Robbie off to his right

We make it to the Country Cafe. It was off on a side street, not on Tx 79 as the website stated. Here is Robert's bike and Steve G's next to it in the parking lot of the Country cafe.

The bike's in front of the Country Cafe, Throckmorton, Texas..

One of the bikes at the Country Cafe. I think this is Steve D's Harley.

The line of bikes. We had 22 bikes and 30 people. The Country Cafe could sit 35 or so. We filled that place up!!

More of the bikes in the parking lot.

Right next door was this pen with two horses.

After eating we form up to leave. Here is Russ & Linda heading to the front of the pack.

And we leave and head for home. That's Lance crossing the intersection.

More bikes on the road out and others pulling out of the parking lot of the Country Cafe.

A final shot of the group leaving. This is Robert in the intersection..

We stopped at that Fina gas station for gas and here is a picture of Christina on her Harley V-Rod. Mark & Cathy look on

Here is Steve's bike at the gas station. Lacy did the color enhancement thing on the bike & left everything else b/w.

Here is a final enhancement shot of Steve G's bike..Pretty neat program..

That will conclude this post. Thanks again to Steve G for sharing his pictures with us. Ya done good Steve!

Scroll down for more events, rides & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more posts, back to January o8. Until next ride/post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road........JOHN

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