
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Classroom of the Future

gollifer langston’s transportable "clip-on" classroom of the future can be fitted with advanced information + communication technology (ict), + installed rapidly + cheaply within a range of existing schools. it's able to adapt + change to suit future scenarios, to facilitate the use of developing ict in an innovative school based environment, different + complimentary to what's currently provided + represents a window on the future.

a literal + metaphorical vehicle for learning, disseminating new technology + stimulating learning - a container for ideas-- wirefree, web + satellite connected, linking to the resources of local + worldwide institutions."

thecoolhunter says the, "transportable Classrooms of the Future will deliver information + communication technology (ICT) on a flatbed truck in the form of an oblong gray pod capable of providing a sufficient ICT facility that many schools are unable to install within their own environments."

mod*tot will attend "virtual" kindergarten, so all she needs is a laptop, or
maybe just a smartphone, + we can transport her learning anywhere.

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