
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chaps My Ass Run # 2 6-26-08

On Thursday, 6-26-08 Russ came over at 0730 hrs and we left for a couple destinations..First off, every Thursday, a bunch of retired & almost retired police officers, Texas state officers & a Texas Ranger , meet for breakfast in Iowa Park Texas. Iowa Park is a town of about 6,500 people that is located about 7 miles or so West of Wichita Falls. Second destination was Chaps My Ass, a motorcycle Accessory/Apparel Shop located in Medicine Park, Oklahoma. The third stop was a lunch stop and final destination was the place in Wichita Falls Tx where Russ & I had dropped off our vests to get patches sewn on. So, without further ado, scroll down & check out this run. Going on the run was Russ, David(another retired coworker of ours), and me. Also, don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of each page as it loads up the next series of m/c posts. REMEMBER: if you want to see the picture bigger, simply click on the picture.

I rolled the bike out & closed the garage door so as not to bother my wife & daughter still inside getting ready for the day. I waited out on the bike for Russ who got there a short time later. I currently ride a 2008 blue/silver Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT. Looking down the road, I hope to have my Harley within the next year or so..

Going to breakfast, I tried out a different camera other than the one I have been carrying on all these runs & events. Here is a pic of Russ I took as we went North on FM 369

At the City Cafe, a gathering of what used to be Eagles, now is a gathering of geezers...Left side going down & then back up the right side are: Dale, Kelly, Roy Don, Norman, Herman (at the head of the table),Bill, David, Mike, Mark & Russ.

Down on the end and around to the right are, Norman, Herman, Iris the Waitress, Pappy, Bill & David..

Mark, David from Dallas & Russ. David drove all the way up from the Dallas-Ft. Worth area just to make this breakfast.Every police department has an artist, not in official capacity, that records different things that happen..He may record it on a piece of paper or on the chalk Board in the briefing room for all to see..He never signed the art work with his name, only "The Phantom". Drove people nuts trying to figure out who was doing this stuff because he would do it when no one was around and then clear the area. David was a very popular officer and we were good friends when we worked there.

Iris, the waitress, takes an order from Dale as Kelly looks on...Dale is one of the funniest guys I know...Now he has a bike so he can go on runs with us..He is the only one there that is still an active duty police officer..He is a great guy..Kelly is too but with a few loose screws like the rest of us... (grin)

David explains the laws of "The Phantom" as Russ drinks that wake up fuel...

Dale & Kelly. You don't know what's gonna happen when they get together..

Bill, David, Mike (ordering), Mark & Russ.

Getting ready for the run to Oklahoma, David stands by his bike outside the City Cafe in Iowa Park Texas.

I asked Dale to go out & get on his bike so I could get a picture. He obliged & here is Dale on his bike...

Dale walking of to look at my Vulcan (blue & silver) & Russ's Ultra-classic (Black)

David's bike parked out front of the City Cafe in Iowa Park Texas.

And off we go..Here is Russ Northbound of I-44, just outside of Wichita Falls, Texas

Russ & David on the road through the Wichita Mountains Wild Life Refuge....Sorry, this pic is out of sync..

David in my mirror on I-44 as we head North to Okahoma.

David on his bike Northbound on I-44 at about 70 mph

Ok, so I lied...Make it 85 mph...I believe I was doing catch up when this speed occurred. We kept it just at 70 mph all the there & back..

I must of had a brain fart because I didn't get any pics of us at Chaps my Ass. But you can click on the following link and it will take you to their web site. This is a pic of David & me inside the Riverside Cafe, in Medicine Park, Oklahoma. Notice I shaved my beard..Gotta get use to being clean shaven until after my daughter's wedding, then it's back to the beard...

David, Chris (the beverage waitress) & Russ, inside the Riverside Cafe in Medicine Park, Oklahoma.

Another pic of David & me inside the Riverside Cafe..David is always cheerful..You can tell by his expressions..He stays cheerful even under stressful conditions (like his VERY recent divorce). Doesn't complain or cut down anybody. Just takes it in stride..That way, no ulcers.

Russ & David tipping a cold one for the cause. I drink tea because of a bad pancreas..

Russ & David outside the Riverside Cafe.

Russ walks towards the bikes as David talks to a guy that owns the trike..If you look hard, you can see the rear end of the trike in front of David..

The bikes in Medicine Park..

The bikes outside of the Riverside Cafe..Had to park them in the shade as it was in the upper 90's F and those black leather seats get hot

The bikes left to right: my Vulcan, David's Goldwing & Russ's Harley Ultra classic

Russ & David heading South towards Texas & home on Hwy 5 in Oklahoma

Here is The General Store in Grandfield Oklahoma..We stopped there for a cold drink and to take a break & get out of the sun for awhile.

Russ at the bikes prior to us going into the store..

Here is David sitting down, enjoying the a/c in the store & some liquid refreshment...

David & Russ inside the General Store. Russ appears to be digging for gold....Watch out for stringers Russ!!!

Here we are Westbound on Hwy 70...We had our fair share of straight roads this weekend coming back from Arkansas (scroll down to the Talilina, Talimena & Mena Run for those posts). Also had a buttload of steep grades & sharp curves, which made the straight roads a Godsend a times...

When we got back to Wichita Falls, Russ & I went to the place we dropped our leather vests off to get some patches sewn on, on Wednesday. I had the Geezer Glide & Jane Fonda put on the back as seen above..

And on the front I had the American flag & POW-MIA patch put on the left side and the Texas flag & PGR patch on the right side as seen above.

We then left that alteration/pawn shop and went to Red River Harley Davidson where Russ hoped to catch Greg and talk over some class ideas..or something.. Russ is an instructor in the Rider's Edge program that Harley Davidson Companies promote. What it is, is they teach you how to ride a bike and from there into some advanced safety courses...Russ really enjoys it..

Here is Russ talking to Greg in Greg'sa Office. They use Buell's like the one in the office, for the safety course.

Greg, a friend & former co-worker of Russ & I, loves his job..Told us he hasn't had to use any Tums or fight anyone since he started working for Harley Davidson..Here he is in the relaxed mode..Great guy to know & to have on your side & I trusted him with my life when we were partners a long time ago..Ride On, Greg!!! This will conclude this post. Tomorrow, Friday, 27 Jun 08, we have a PGR mission up in Lawton for a Marine that passed away..I will try to get some pics of the PGR doing what we do..I am proud to be a PGR member..So, until next run/post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road. Scroll down for more m/c runs/events & remember to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of each page for even more posts........Later..........JOHN

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