
Friday, May 21, 2010

Mr Travel Pot

My hubby always tell me
As a Muslim, bab makan kena jaga
So, everywhere we go, we always need to be extra careful
Roti, we checked the ingredients first
If dalam ingredients ada tulis dia campur with E471, we tak beli

Coz masa dia sekolah dekat UK dulu, ada matapelajaran macam kemahiran hidup
Dia cerita kena buat roti..but everybody is mixing the roti with lard (pig fat) 
So any roti without knowing the ingredients, we tak makan

My dad used to say, if you are wondering why your doa tidak termakbul,
Maybe it's because of what and source u makan, because it'll be your darah daging...
So, please be strict and jaga pemakanan... saya agak physcho disitu esp bila pergi ke tempat org

But dekat UK mmg senang nak makan!!! Byk je kedai halal
But saya dah muak dgn kebab and bila travel mmg byk guna energy
So, nasi will be the most satisfying foods to us

And if tak jumpa kedai jual nasi halal...or nak jimat masa cari foods, thanks to this Mr Travel Pot!!!

So that day saya masak nasi goreng dalam Travel Pot ni
It's small, light, sesuai untuk bawak travel
And we've been using it since 2007, the first time we all guna masa pergi travel to Italy.
Mmg Mr Travel Pot ni byk berjasa. =)
The price was around RM100+
More details here

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