
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle

Our guest contributor today is the world's most awesome six-year-old -- my daughter, Kaisa! I just love her to pieces! Yesterday she asked me why I spent so much time reading (Ouch). I told her that I liked reading just as much as she liked Taylor Swift (which is a LOT) and we talked about this blog. She seemed interested and said that she wanted to be part of the "book club" too. In the interest of clarity (and spelling) I asked her some questions about the book she chose and tried to type her answers exactly as she said them. (Summary from Kaisa - Image from

Kaisa's Summary: Well, the book was about a hungry caterpillar who turned into a butterfly.

Kaisa's Review:

Why did you pick this book?
Because we're learning about caterpillars and butterflies at my school.

What do you like about this book?
I like it when the book has these flippy pages on it.
I like the drawings.

What do you like about the drawings?
He uses toilet paper* and sometimes paints over it.

Really, where did you learn that?
It’s an Eric Carle book! Well, Mrs Brennan told me about it.

What else do you like?
I like it because he eats some good things and some treats.

If you were a caterpillar which of those things would you eat?
Chocolate cake and maybe pickles and a lollipop and maybe a watermelon and sausage.

I like how the butterfly is painted and that is what I like about the book.

Is there anything you don’t like about the book?
Well, he actually, this is funny and I like it, he makes a mistake in the book. He wrote a “cocoon” instead of a chrysalises.

It's not a cocoon?
Yeah, it's not a cocoon. Moths make cocoons and butterflies make chrysalides or chrysalids or chrysalis.


That’s all I know.

Her Rating: 5 Stars

Sum it up: I really really like it!

*She means "tissue" paper.

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