
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Motorcycle test debacle revealed!

The Transport Committee has published its review of the new European motorcycle test and revealed what we all already new.

Launching the report, Transport Select Committee Chair, Louise Ellman MP said, “many candidates and trainers now have to travel too far for their motorcycle test. This adds to the cost , and in some cases, exposes candidates to fast and dangerous roads on the way to a test site — before they have even taken their test. The Driving Standards Agency needs to give much greater priority to customer service and convenience for test candidates and trainers.”

In its report, MPs conclude that the Driving Standards Agency was slow and dogmatic in its approach to test centres, failing to listen adequately to the motorcycle industry. Smaller test sites could have been retained, saving millions of pounds. No other country in Europe has found it necessary to build ‘super test sites’.

So now this mess is in the public forum, will it get sorted out? I wonder!

Ride safe

Jon Booth

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