
Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Do you have a book you've been DYING to read?!


Steal from a friend?

(Admit it. You know you do.)

Have you been stalking a book at your local bookstore,

moving it out of place so no one else will get it?

Would you like to get it on someone else's dime?

Well now is your chance.

For our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY we will be giving away YOUR CHOICE of a FREE BOOK**. That right--YOU get to say what book you win. Yippee!! This giveaway will end on September 30th at midnight PST.

To enter to win you must (and don't worry, you can do this all in one comment form):

1) Follow our blog via Google Friend or Blogged (if you are already a follower, enter away).

2) Comment and let us know which book you want** and leave your name and contact information if it is not listed in your profile

3) Mentally commit to never again pick up a book and break the binding or bend the cover clear back to kingdom come, before you buy it. Trust me. It's bad form. It makes bookshop owners want to tackle you in the aisles and beat you senseless with the mangled book. They don't, but only because they couldn't stand to put the book through that much pain.

For extra entries you can (comment separately):

1) Post about this contest on any social networking site like Facebook, MySpace, twitter, your blog, etc. If you post on two different sites you will get two different entries, but ONLY if you leave a separate comment for each one.

2) Grab a button and put it on your blog. Leave a separate comment!


**No textbooks. No boxed sets. No $300 rare out-of-print books. Use good judgement and be kind. Your standard hardcover is fine. I reserve the right to chuck you if you pick a book I can't afford.

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