
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Reading For Sanity FREE BOOK Giveaway

From now till August 31st you can
enter to win this FABULOUS book:

by Lisa Guernsey.
You can read a book summary
and Emily's 5 Star review here.

To enter you must:

1) Become (or already BE) a follower and comment on this post, with your name, telling us what you thought of Emily's review

For extra entries you may do any of the following:

2) Post about it on your blog with a link to the giveaway and comment back here

3) Post about the giveaway on either Facebook, Myspace, OR Twitter with a link to the giveaway and comment back here

4) Do a little dance for luck (okay, this won't get you an extra entry, but it can't hurt)

Also, don't forget to check out Lisa Guernsey's current project, writing about early childhood issues of all kinds on a think-tank blog, where she addresses a veritable beehive of questions on how children learn, and how to give them the best environment to make it happen. I've been there and it's AWESOME!

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