Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sturgis Bike Week 7-31-08
Go the left side of the page, scroll down till you see FAVORITE LINKS. Then, scroll down till ya see "Sturgis Live Street Cams". Click on the link and it will take you to about 6 different cams.
So, if your stuck at home this year & can't make the run, just watch the action on the street cams. Enjoy the site!!!...................Until next post, ride or event, ya'll ride safe and keep the rubber on the road......................JOHN
SpeedART Porsche 997 Turbo Tuning – a really lethal blade!
There were names such as Nissan Skyline, Mercedes-Benz 300SL and etc., but the most surprising was the name of this winner – the first place of Porsche 911 around the year 1975.
The car with its toughness, simple sporting interior, powerful engines and great workmanship conquered all other famous vehicles. But time has come, so today we can enjoy the legend’s next successor of famous Porsche family.
In 2006, the Porsche 997 Turbo was introduced in Geneva and it’s a successor of the famous Porsche 911. Its design from the Porsche 996 was restructured to look of a real racer.
Distinctive lines, suction openings, rear wing, LED lights and other various elements make this car really uncompromising.
The Porsche 997’s engine comes from the Porsche 964/GT1 model with some improvements of course. Sharp sporting sound is a result of six cylinders with displacement of 3.6 liters and cooperating turbocharger. No surprise that it can produce amazing 480 hp (353 kW) at 6000 rpm and 620 Nm of torque.
This performance potential allows hitting 100 km/h in just 3.7 seconds (3.4 seconds with Tiptronic automatic transmission) and the top speed is 311 km/h. There’s a new system VTG (Variable Turbine Geometry) developed by BorgWarner to maintain better and perfect work of the turbocharger.
Porsche will be always the symbol of pure dynamics and sporting emotions. Its really the best candidate for the first place in that chart, because this is a machine that never disappoints its owner.
Perfect technical parameters, amazing body and even better power-to-weight ratio – this is the Porsche 911.
Ketika Cinta Berlalu

Ketika cinta berlalu apa yang kita lakukan ??? Biasanya kebanyakan orang akan menangis, semakin terpuruk dan merana. Tapi apakah tindakan itu benar ??? Coba pikirkan lagi.Pasangan yang meninggalkan loe asyik dengan cintanya yang baru sementara loe malah terpuruk kejurang yang dalam. Masih berharap cinta itu bersemi lagi ??? Wah mending jangan pernah berharap untuk menyambung lagi cinta yang telah musnah ,karena ibarat gelas yang retak walaupun sudah diperbaiki tetap meninggalkan bekas. Apalagi kalau gelasnya udah pecah berantakan alias putusnya dengan suatu pertengkaran yang hebat, hal itu sama saja dengan memperbaiki gelas yang pecah berantakan , pasti penuh dengan goresan goresan yang tidak sedap dipandang mata.
Contoh ketika Syaiful Jamil dan Dewi Persik mencoba memperbaiki gelas cinta mereka yang telah hancur. Hubungan mereka tidak dapat berlangsung lama dan bahkan bubarnya lebih cepat dari yang diperkirakan banyak orang, begitu juga dengan gelas cinta Kristina . Karena cinta sama dengan gelas antik yang harus dijaga dengan hati-hati dan harus disimpan dalam satu lemari pajangan agar tetap indah dipandang mata. Lihat gelas antik cinta Sophan Sophian dan Widyawati gelas antik cinta mereka tetap indah dipandang mata karena mereka benar-benar menjaga gelas cinta mereka dalam satu lemari hati yang indah sampai maut memisahkan mereka. Nah artikel ini khusus bagi loe-loe yang gelas cintanya yang sudah hancur berantakan. Bagaimana mengatasi gelas cinta yang udah hancur itu ? Mari kita mulai satu- persatu
1. Introveksi diri
Kenapa cinta itu pergi ? Kita harus mengkaji ulang semua sebab dan alasan . Apakah karena loe yang terlalu posesif atau karena terlalu egois ,terlalu perfeksionis, dsb ? Setelah loe kaji dari situ loe bisa tau seluruh kekurangan yang ada pada hubungan cinta loe yang lalu. Untuk ke depannya usahakan tidak mengulanginya lagi pada cinta yang baru. Karena putusnya suatu hubungan pasti ada sebab yang membuat salah satu pasangan merasa tidak nyaman lagi. Sehingga ketika datang godaan yang lain sangat mudah bagi si dia berpaling dan meninggalkan kita .
2. Jangan menangis
Karena kalau loe menangis sama dengan loe tidak percaya diri. Dan selain itu berarti yang loe tangisi sebenarnya adalah diri loe sendiri. Karena arti dari tangisan itu adalah bahwa loe merasa sedih karena takut tidak ada lagi yang menyayangi , takut tidak ada lagi yang memanjakan, takut ditinggalkan olehnya,takut dengan kesendiran , dsb. Intinya yang loe tangisi itu adalah ketakutan yang ada dalam diri loe sendiri bukan untuk cinta loe. Kalau loe benar-benar mencintai dia biarkan dia bahagia dengan cintanya yang baru. Karena loe harus yakin bahwa jodoh telah ditakdirkan oleh Tuhan, mungkin dia memang bukan yang terbaik untuk loe.
3. Buat kegiatan positif yang menyibukan kita
Seperti olahraga , privat, keanggotaan suatu kelompok, dsb. Sehingga kita tidak berlarut-larut terbenam dalam kesedihan.
4. Sementara jangan menonton atau mendengar lagu yang melankolis
Karena itu akan semakin membuat kita terluka lebih dalam. Apalagi kalau lagu atau film yang makin mengingatkan kita akan si dia.
5. Buang semua kenangan atau barang yang bisa mengingatkan kita kepadanya
Singkirkan hal-hal yang bisa mengingatkan kita pada si dia . Seperti foto, kado ulang tahun dari dia, hadiah-hadiah lainnya,dan jauhi tempat-tempat kenangan bersamanya, dsb. Karena kalau tidak , loe selalu terfokus pada dirinya dan susah membuka diri untuk sebuah cinta yang baru.
6. Jangan sering berada dalam kesendirian
Karena dalam kesendirian pikiran kita pasti mengelana ke masa-masa saat bersamanya. Biasanya saat seperti ini pasti loe lagi berdua tapi sekarang malah sendiri . Hal inilah yang membuat loe semakin sedih dan semakin susah untuk melupakannya. Jadi carilah teman-teman lama loe atau buatlah sebanyak mungkin pergaulan baru.
7. Perbaiki penampilan loe agar cinta baru menghampiri
Sering orang setelah putus cinta kurang memperhatikan penampilannya. Dengan penampilan yang amburadul itu maka aura yang keluarpun tidak memancarkan kenyamanan bagi orang lain yang memandang. Jadi perbaiki dan jagalah terus penampilan loe.
8. Buka hati loe untuk sebuah cinta yang baru
Cobalah buka hati loe untuk menerima sebuah cinta yang baru karena kalau loe tidak mencoba kapan loe bisa tahu bahwa masih ada cinta yang lebih manis dari cinta yang lama ?
9. Jangan buru-buru unutk mendapatkan cinta yang baru
Setelah membuka hati untuk cinta yang baru janganlah terburu-buru dalam menentukan pilihan . Tetaplah menilai dengan objektif dan pakai feeling. Jangan main asal terima aja atau loe akan sakit sekali lagi.
10. Jangan ulangi kesalahan yang sama.
Jangan membuat kesalahan -kesalahan yang membuat cinta lama berlalu. Ingat loe telah mengintroveksi diri sebelumnya dan cobalah berusaha belajar dari kesalahan yang terjadi agar hubungan loe tidak berakhir seperti sebelumnya.
11. Jangan pernah membandingkan cinta yang baru dengan cinta yang lama
Semua orang punya kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, dan rata-rata orang ngga suka dibanding bandingkan. Jadi cobalah menerima dia apa adanya. Walau dalam hati jangan pernah berfikir sekalipun untuk membandingkan cinta yang baru dengan cinta yang lama. Biarkan yang lalu hilang diterpa angin dan sambutlah cinta baru ini dengan suasana yang baru. Pupuk dan siram dengan benih cinta yang indah.
12. Jagalah cinta loe yang baru seperti menjaga sebuah gelas antik yang tetap menarik dipandang mata dan pajanglah dalam sebuah lemari hati yang indah.
13.Ajaklah pasangan baru loe untuk mengerti diri loe seutuhnya secara perlahan-lahan jangan dipaksakan dan cobalah mengerti dia juga.
14.Komunikasi, kepercayaan, dan kejujuran tolong benar-benar diterapkan pada cinta yang baru.
15.Tanamkanlah dalam diri loe tidak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini.
Jangan berharap loe akan mendapatkan yang sesuai dengan keinginan atau fantasi loe. Karena didunia ini ngga ada yang sempurna. Jadi siapapun yang menjadi pasangan loe cobalah menerimanya dengan hati besar. Rumput tetangga pasti lebih hijau. Itu sebuah pepatah yang bagus untuk loe ingat.
Mudah-mudahan setelah membaca artikel ini loe dapat sedikit menarik nafas lega, karena dunia memang belum kiamat kalau cinta lama berlalu.
blogher afterglow

i am still on an estrogen high + buzzing with excitement from the fun of blogher + meeting wonderful female bloggers + sponsors. i have so many ideas, new pals + new blogs to write on + collaborations, plus it's summer.
mod*tot has 1 more week of summer school + 1 month of summer vacation before kindergarten starts. she did the funniest thing a couple days ago. we were at the stanford research institute, which is a very top secret laboratory building. very smart people were gathering to discuss artificial intelligence. i was spinning her around outside after playing in the lobby of the mid century modern building. we were asked if she was a scientist. i proudly said "yes, she is a stanford student." a pizza delivery person brought pizza into the building where there was a group of people filling the lobby, then a man told us he was locking the door. mod*tot went into the lobby + dissappeared in the crowd. i went in as the front door was locked + the large group proceeded down a hall. i called for her + looked behind the security desk. a man said she went with the group. i followed at the back of the large group down long hallways of open + closed office doors of scientists + researchers. i loved the building. someone said the wireless mouse + other amazing devices were invented there. we made a few turns + went up several flights of stairs then another hallway + another staircase + a hallway + it flashed in my mind i might never find her. luckily, when i got to the huge conference room she was there standing at the front + said, "pizza?"
they kindly gave her some pizza + told us a shortcut to get out of the building, but we got lost + went down a hallway past interesting scientific posters + i was startled when i passed some double doors with windows + saw a man lying on a gurney with a bunch of robotic devices around him. i looked again + realized it was a realistic doll. i held mod*tot up to see. very interesting. i don't recognize any of those machines from my cancer treatment. we were still eating pizza + reading funny cartoons on office doors when a security guard discovered us + started chatting, then said, "how did you get in here? this is a secret secure area." ooooooops
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Update on Sheila at Surles Loan 7-30-08
Those of us who had more than a couple of, what we called "hero ribbons" and were forced to wear by regulations, know what a pain in the butt those things could be at times lining up in the correct order, spaced right etc. You guys in the military now, experience the same thing..Well, Shelia now makes the pain in the buttness with putting them on and lining them up, a thing of the past. Here are a few pics I previously posted of Sheila at Surles and these will have to do until I go down there again with my camera. Scroll down for a refresher of where Surles Loan is & of Sheila hard at work. REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, CLICK ON THE PICTURE..
This is Sheila & Capt. "Pattie". Pattie is a good friend and we ride with her & her husband Jim quite a bit. She is stationed out at Sheppard AFB and I think Sheila sews items on Patties uniforms too..
Since there are all branches of the military out at Sheppard AFB, Sheila sews on items for all of them, including the USMC!!
Here is a board containing some of the patches Sheila has been given by the troops she has does business with..
Surles loan is located just North of the main gate of SAFB, on the West side of the street. The phone number is: 940-855-3241. Sheila can be reached at 940-636-9565 for info on the Thin Military Ribbons. Give her a call and order up yours today. And don't forget to check out her website:
That will conclude this post. Be sure to scroll down for more rides, events & posts. Don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more of the same, back to Jan. 08................Till next post, ride safe & keep the rubber on the road......................John aka "Snapshot
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Blue Knights Tx XX Meeting 7-29-08
Inside are: Doug, Greg & David...
Me & Greg..Gregg is the Chapter Secretary/Treasurer & I am currently the chapters President
After the meeting, David mounts up & prepares to depart...
Doug watches as Clint sits on Greg's Harley. Greg stands back and waits to see what happens. That is Clint's Police car in the background..It was raining in various parts of the city so he came by car
Doug & Greg watch Clint as Clint sits on Greg's Harley. Clint drives a yellow Suzuki Crotch Rocket & is thinking about stepping up to a cruiser
It was raining at Doug's, so he also came by car...
This will conclude this short post. Although attendance was low for both meetings, we got a lot accomplished...Scroll down for more rides/events & posts & don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page, for more 0f the same back to Jan 08. Til next post, Ya'll RIDE SAFE...............JOHN
Monday Ride to Medicine Park Oklahoma 7-28-08
I want to start this post off by showing this patch. When we went to leave Meers after eating lunch, a soldier in uniform walked up to me. He had apparently seen the PGR sticker I have on my windshield. He asked if I was a Patriot Guard Rider ( When I told him that I was, he took his unit patch off of the right breast of his uniform & handed it to me. He said he wanted me to have it and that they appreciated what we did. So, needless to say I was moved and rendered speechless. I thanked him for the sacrifices he & the others make for our freedom and then we left. I would like everyone that reads my blog to remember to keep the men & women in uniform, in their prayers daily, for their safety & safe return home from where ever they are sent. Like it or not, we would not have the freedom that we have, if it weren't for these soldiers and others before them. A fact a lot of American's seem to forget lately..
We met at the Braums in Burkburnett Texas at 0815 hrs with ksu at 0830 hrs. Pictured are Lacy, Steve & Clint. Christina had a Dr. appointment and caught up with us at the Medicine Park exit off of I-44, just North of Lawton/Ft. Sill Oklahoma
Rolling down I-44 I get a picture of Steve & Lacy and Clint
We stopped on 281/277 in Geronimo Oklahoma to take a couple of pictures. Here are Clint, Lacy & Steve
Lacy, Steve & Clint at the Welcome to Geronimo Okla Sign
We meet up with Christina at the Burger King on Ok 49, just West of I-44. Left to right: Clint, Christina (by her Harley V-Rod), Steve & Lacy by their red Valkyrie and Clints Suzuki Sport Bike..
Clint, Lacy & Steve inside the Burger King
We start up Mt. Scott, after leaving the Burger King.. Behind me are: Christina, Clint, and Steve & Lacy bringing up the rear..
Steve & Lacy, Clint & Christina on Lookout point on top of Mt. Scott
Steve & Lacy, Clint and Christina at Mt. Scott
Christina, Lacy & Steve at Lookout Point..
Steve & Lacy on the summit of Mt. Scott Oklahoma
Christina, Steve & Clint at Lookout Point
Christina, Steve, Lacy on Clint's bike & Clint
Clint and the red sportbike rider, walk to check out Clint's bike. If I heard correctly, the guy was in the Army and had just come back from Iraq.
Lacy climbing around on the rocks
Lacy on the rocks at Mt. Scott, Oklahoma
A view of Lake Lawtonka from Mt. Scott
Me, Christina, Steve & Clint at Lookout Point
Steve, Clint, the Vet & Christina on Lookout Point, enjoying the nice breeze.
A view to the West from the top of Mt. Scott
The bikes & Steve, Clint & Lacy on Lookout Point..Christina had gone climbing down on the rocks.
We left Mt. Scott & went to Meers to eat. When we got their, this Harley & Victory were there.
All the bikes parked in front of Meers
Lacy fixes her hair and Steve gets ready to take a picture as we get ready to leave
It was 106 degrees on the way home & Lacy was feeling every degree. We had to stop over and wet her down with cold water & cold bandana's. There was no shade to be found where we we at..But she made it home and I talked to Steve and after Lacy got to cooling off in the air conditioning, she felt better..Had me worried though..
This will conclude this post. Other than being too hot on the way home, this was a good ride & I had fun & got to know everyone a little better. Scroll down for more rides/events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link on the bottom of EACH page for even more, back to Jan 08. Until next ride, event or post, ya'll be careful out there & ride safe.........................JOHN