
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Motorcycle Awareness C.O.R.P.S, Adopt A Highway, 4/5/08

Saturday, 4/5/08 was "Don't Mess With Texas" day and all the different groups that had "adopted a highway" turned out and cleaned up their respective portion of highway. The Motorcycle Awareness C.O.R.P.S adopted a 2 mile stretch of FM 2606 between Delaware/E. Arrowhead and Pawnee Trail/E. Arrowhead. This area is out around the East side of Lake Arrowhead. We met at the beginning point at Delaware/E. Arrowhead & the fun began. In attendance for this event were: Jeff & Phil, co-founders of the Motorcycle Awareness C.O.R.P.S, Jan, Jade & Jazz their dog, Jerry & Beryl, Richard & Wilda & me (John).. For more info on the Motorcycle Awareness C.O.R.P.S , click on the following link: REMEMBER: if you want to see the picture bigger, click on the pic..

Eddie Hills Fun Cycles of Wichita Falls Texas was great in supplying the 4 wheel drive mule to help expedite things. Here is a pic of their truck & trailer..The mule will be shown later on in this blog..Thanks Trey for the help!!!

This is the sign at the East end of MAC's area. This is at Pawnee Trail & E. Arrowhead.

Here is the 4-wheel drive mule the Eddie Hill's Fun Cycles loaned to the MAC crew. Left to right: Wilda, Jade, Jan at the wheel & Richard.

Jade & Jan were just having TOO much fun at this...We were even fixed up to deal with any stray rattle snakes we ran across..I told Jade & Jan just to remember if they saw any rattler's, that it could only strike 1/2 the length of its body so don't get too close...Jan's view on this was different. She told Jade if they saw ANY snake to run the opposite direction...

Here is Jerry strolling down the road to grab a piece of trash that was an eyesore to passersby.

Here is Beryl pausing to pick up some unsightly item.

Eastbound crew meets Westbound crew. Left side is: Wilda, Richard & Jerry. Right side is Jeff & Phil...

East meets West..This view shows Beryl, Richard, Wilda & Jerry on the left and Jeff & Phil on the right.

A pic of Jeff's Harley.

A pic of Phil's Harley.

A pic Jerry & Beryl's Harley.

Wilda's Shadow (Silver) & Richard's Vulcan..

All the bikes by the West end sign with some of the trash we picked up..I forgot to take a pic of my bike when doing the separate bike shots but mine is the Vulcan with the helmet on the backrest and is right behind Jeff's Harley.

Another view of the bikes, sign & trash.

The team returns, with Jan at the wheel & Jeff riding shotgun..Walking is Wilda...And somewhere behind her was Jerry..He walked back too...

With all the trash bags, the folks gather around. Left to right: Richard, Wilda, Jerry & Beryl, Jeff, Jan, Jazz (the doggie), Jade and Phil in front...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!

Rally around the sign: John, Wilda, Richard. Jerry & Beryl, Jazz (the dog) & Jade with Jeff & Phil in front...

Another view of me, Wilda, Richard, Jerry & Beryl, Jazz & Jade with Jeff & Phil, the founders of MAC, in front..

Yet another view of Richard, Wilda, Jerry & Beryl, Jazz & Jade, with Jeff & Phil out front. I think Jeff said we gathered up 15 bags of trash, a big twisted piece of rebar & one fairly good sized tree stump..

The final group shot prior to departure for home: Richard, Wilda, Jerry & Beryl, Jeff, Jan, Jazz (dog), Jade and Phil in front..

The Eddie Hill's Fun Cycle of Wichita Falls Texas, truck, trailer & Mule...Left to right the organizer's of today's event: Phil, Jan, Jeff & Jade.
That will conclude this post..I had a good time today & met some new friends & look forward to the new event...Don't forget to check out MAC'S web page at: Until next run/post, ya'll be careful & ride safe.......John

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