
Monday, December 3, 2007

holiday hystrionic disorder aka christmas chaos disorder

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holiday hystrionic disorder :: know the symptoms

overview: anxiety based disorder specifically related to the end of each calendar year, lasting for a relatively short period of time between thanksgiving + new year’s day. symptoms intensify as the year closes, + often disappear completely by january. commonly known among lay persons as “christmas chaos disorder”

population: tends to manifest itself mainly in females (especially mothers) of the type "a" personality, although numbers of persons diagnosed has risen among males.

note: there is a direct correlation between # of children + severity of symptoms.

diagnostic criteria for holiday histrionic disorder is as follows:

a. excessive anxiety + worry, occurring often + increasingly toward end of year.

b. general feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness or incompetence.

c. disturbance is not due to direct physiological effects of weather (see seasonal affectiveness disorder), although these 2 disorders can occur in conjunction + exacerbate symptoms.

d. anxiety is associated with 3 (or more) of the following symptoms:

1 feeling on edge, with the inability to distinguish between meaningful + insignificant issues (eminent bankruptcy vs. broken tree ornaments)
2 obsessive concern + worry over lists
3 difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, forgetfulness
4 impatience, irritability displayed in crowded public places
5 sudden aggressive/violent emotions directed towards seasonal retail help + spouse
6 intense aversion to the colors green +/or red (except regarding foods or drinks)
7 constant worry or depression over weight gain (yet patient shows no signs of dieting, often over indulging in sweets + unhealthy foods)

prognosis: excellent. patients respond positively to treatment during peak cycles + often function normally during dormant cycles.

treatment: massage therapy in conjunction with at home relaxation techniques like dancing, caroling + aromatherapy.

medication: asitwerejan 2 (available in eggnog liquid or peppermint tablet forms).

generic name: nodecstress X

black market/street name: "sugar plums"


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